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What is the Fantom price prediction?

Based on our Fantom price prediction, the price of Fantom will increase by 14.12% and reach $ 0.311780 by September 6, 2022. What is the current Fantom sentiment? The current Fantom sentiment is bearish according to our technical analysis. The majority of technical indicators are showing sell. How to predict cryptocurrency prices?

What happened to the FTM price in 2021?

The FTM price started 2021 at $0.017 and spiked to $0.872 in February before falling back down. It then climbed to $0.957 in May before quickly dropping back to $0.263 as the cryptocurrency markets fell. The FTM chart shows that the price bottomed out at $0.153 in July, before starting to rally strongly again in August 2021.

Can you predict FTM coin price?

When considering an FTM coin price prediction, it’s important to keep in mind that cryptocurrency markets remain extremely volatile, making it difficult to accurately predict what a coin or token’s price will be in a few hours, and even harder to give long-term estimates.

How much will Fantom cost in 2025?

Meanwhile, the fantom coin price prediction from PricePrediction suggested the crypto could average $0.26 this year. In 2023, the site forecasted a potential yearly average of $0.39, and one of $0.56 in 2024. The site then made a fantom price prediction for 2025 of $0.81.

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